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PPUR Fayard, College de France

Prof. Rachid GUERRAOUI

School of Computer and Communication Sciences (DCL) , EPFL

I am a Morroccan/Swiss/French researcher, I held the Chair of Computer Science of Collège de France and was affiliated with the Research Center of Ecole des Mines de Paris, the Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique in Saclay,  Hewlett-Packard Labs in Palo Alto and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

My research is devoted to concurrent and distributed computing, from multiprocessors to wide-area networks.

Full list of papers: 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 , 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. My entry in the DBLP bibliography server is fairly up-to-date.

I teach Distributed Algorithms (Message passing) as well as Concurrent Algorithms (Shared memory).
I co-initiated with M. El Mhamdi Wandida (wandida) an education project to build a library of scientific e-synopsises as well as Zettabytes, with Le Nguyen Hoang, an education project to make computer science accessible to the masses.

ACM Fellow and Associate Editor of JACM.
I also chaired the PCs of PODC10, DISC04,  ECOOP'99 and Middleware'01.

Invited talks

Best paper awards

I am always looking for good students and postdocs (these days in the areas of distributed ML, cryptocurrencies and RDMA).
  • Research activities of DCL members, as well as some non-research stuff
  • Doctoral program offered by our school (to which every student has to be admitted before joinning my group as a PhD student)

Former PhDs:  A. Xygkis (Oracle labs), A. Guirguis (Bloomberg), S. Rouault (Calicarpa), K. Antoniadis (Meta), G. Damaskinos (Meta), M. El Mhamdi (Polytechnique Paris), A. Seredinschi (Informal Systems), M. Pavlovic (Protocol labs), M. Taziki (Swisscom), R. Patra (Oracle labs), D. Alistarh (IST Vienna), S. Baehni (Nexthink), R. Boichat (McKinsey), T. David (IBM), G. Chatzopoulos (Mc Kinzey), T. David (Oracle Labs) ,A. Dragojevic (Microsoft), P. Dutta (IBM), A. Doudou (Vaudoise), P. Eugster (Univ Lugano), S. Handurukande (Eriksson), D. Kozhaya (ABB), P. Kouznetsov (Paris Tech), R. Levy (IBM), G. Losa (UCLA), M. Monod (Twist Lab), B. Pochon (ELCA), J. Spring (Adobe), M. Taziki (Swisscom), V. Trigonakis (Oracle), M. Vukolic (Protocol Labs), M. Kapalka (SICPA), N. Knezevic (IBM), J. Wang (Google), I. Zablotchi (Mysten Labs).

DCL (Station 14), I&C, EPFL CH 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland - Office INR 310 - Tel +41 21 693 5272 - Fax +41 21 693 75 70

He told her: "I could have been someone''
She answered: "So could anyone"
The Pogues